Fundraising Agreement

Thank you for joining The Oli Hilsdon Foundation in the fight against brain tumours by committing to fundraise ‘in aid of’ us. We rely 100% on voluntary donations and by acting together, we can accelerate a future with a cure for brain cancer, forever for our adored Oli.

‘in aid’ of fundraising agreement

An ‘in aid of’ volunteer as defined in the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Practice:

  • ‘[the volunteer] must use the expression ‘in aid of’ [the] charitable institution when fundraising, to distinguish their fundraising from [that of the charitable institution]; and
  • [the volunteer is] responsible for organising all aspects of their fundraising and [the charitable institution] will not accept any liability relating to their fundraising.

See below some helpful tips and guidance on how to make sure your event is safe and legal – so you can concentrate on the fun part!

Using The Oli Hilsdon Foundation logo/brand

All of your fundraising should make it clear that you are fundraising ‘in aid of The Oli Hilsdon Foundation’ but that you do not represent the Foundation i.e. you are not an employee nor have you entered into a legally binding contract.

We will provide you with our bespoke ‘in aid of’ logo to help support your fundraising, which is to be used on all advertising and materials.

Remember to keep any fundraising non-political and get in touch with The Oli Hilsdon Foundation before approaching any companies, press or celebrities to support your event.

Please don’t carry out any activity that puts The Oli Hilsdon Foundation’s reputation or name at risk.

Organising your event

If you are under 18 please show this page to your parent or guardian, and ask them to register on your behalf.

Before the event please plan a budget as The Oli Hilsdon Foundation cannot be held responsible for any costs, taxes or expenses incurred or arising in connection with your fundraising activity.

Donations are worth 25% more with Gift Aid at no extra cost to the donor. Print a Gift Aid form from our website for donors to fill out.

Keeping it safe and legal

Carrying out a collection is a great way to boost your fundraising. Please obtain the correct permissions and/or licences before carrying out any public collections (usually from the local council or land-owner). You can review The Institute of Fundraising’s guidelines for more information.

Please take all reasonable precautions to ensure the wellbeing of your guests, including complying with health and safety, food or drink and relevant government regulations.

Please ensure you have the correct insurance before the event takes place, as The Oli Hilsdon Foundation does not cover you.

Please bear in mind that raffles are subject to gambling legislation. If you are planning to sell tickets over several days, you may need a licence. Check in with the Gambling Commission to make sure you are keeping within the rules.

How we can support you

Please direct all correspondence regarding your event to

We can send a range of fundraising materials such as collection boxes to help make your event stand out. Please return your fundraising materials so they can be used for the next amazing event in aid of us.

What to do with the funds

If you are handling offline sponsorship money or collections, please ensure you:

  1. Ensure two trusted persons are present when accessing funds and counting;
  2. Advise us of any planned expense deductions prior to doing so;
  3. Once funds are sent, please advise our team at
  4. All funds collected should be sent to The Oli Hilsdon Foundation within two weeks of receiving them, using the reference ‘VF’ plus your name.

Payments can be made via our website, bank transfer or cheque. Please request the appropriate payment details via email at

Fundraising Terms and Conditions

Please be aware of the following terms and conditions that we ask you to agree to before fundraising:

  1. I understand that The Oli Hilsdon Foundation (TOHF) will in no way be liable for any claim which may arise from this event.
  2. I acknowledge that TOHF shall not be liable for any injury or loss that might occur as a result of this event.
  3. I accept full responsibility and liability for the secure safekeeping of all funds raised or donations received as a result of the activity in aid of TOHF.
  4. I agree to pay all proceeds of the event to TOHF within 6 weeks of the event finishing.
  5. I will contact TOHF before approaching a celebrity so that we can co-ordinate all contacts and have a record of who has been approached and by whom.
  6. I will contact TOHF before approaching national companies to avoid duplication of contact.
  7. Before approaching the press, I will contact TOHF to approve the content.
  8. As an independent fundraiser, I will refer to my fundraising as being ‘in aid of The Oli Hilsdon Foundation’.
  9. I will be clear and honest with my donors and sponsors about my fundraising and will not bring TOHF into disrepute.
  10. I will contact TOHF for guidance and use of TOHF’s logo and branding of any promotional materials I wish to produce.
  11. I will accept that it is my responsibility to obtain all necessary and appropriate permits, licences, approvals and consents prior to starting my fundraising activity. I will abide by all by-laws and regulations relevant to fundraising pursuant to the Charities Act 2006.

Thank you for your wonderful support that makes our work possible. For any further support or queries please contact us at

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Fundraising Agreement
The Oli Hilsdon Foundation is a Registered Charity (number 1183052) and is registered in England and Wales as a Private Company Limited by Guarantee (number 11796126)
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